I Am Not Perfect

I Am Not Perfect

 I am here.

See the real me inside.

An Asian American girl that matured through the looking glass of this chaotic society.

I ask not to be judged by the color of my skin, my hair, my eyes, or even the shape of my body.

I ask to be treated with respect and dignity as a human being.

I am full of optimism and love for life.

I am not perfect.

Look inside my soul.

You shall find a woman that has survived bias, discrimination, betrayal, and heartbreak.

I cry many times in the dark with my lonely tears of disappointment.

Still, I rise each time.

I come back as strong-willed, relentless, and with perseverance to face society again.

I am not perfect.

By Jazzmin S. Lu

Who Am I?

Who am I?

I am “me, myself and I”.

These three form a bond that is hidden inside.

Sometimes they are invisible to others, but still a part of who I am.

The “me” is the cognitive and emotional intelligence.

The “myself” is the heart that has unlimited wants and desires.

The “I” is the ego that seeks praise and rewards.

Who am I?

I am a human being that  exists on this earth to find a purpose and happiness.

By Jazzmin S. Lu

You Matter to Me

Sometimes I don’t say enough, how proud I am to have you in my life.
You matter to me.
You are a precious gem that money can’t buy.
You matter to me.
When you feel sad and in doubt, look  into the depth of my eyes.
There, you will find a reflection of you.
You matter to me.
In troubled times, I will be there holding your hands to guide you to the end of the tunnel.
You matter to me.
In happy times, I will be there to embrace you dearly with joyous bliss.
You matter to me.

By  Jazzmin S. Lu

I Am Not My Mother’s Daughter

Mama, sorry to disappoint you…I could not be the daughter you want me to be. I know you want me to walk a path of a well behaved traditional daughter, but I have untamed liberal thoughts spinning in my head; round and round. Who should I be? I could only be “me”. A daughter that have her own thoughts and American dreams. I have a similar face, hair color, eyes and mouth just like my mother; but still I am not my mother’s daughter. See the real me, deep inside my soul: an outspoken, creative, passionate, optimistic Asian girl with the best assimilation of Asian and American culture.

By  Jazzmin S. Lu

Dedication and Acknowledgment:

To my mother, whom I dearly love and admire with her sparkly personality that always warmed my heart. Without her struggle and sacrifice, I wouldn’t  be the woman I am today.

Also, I want to acknowledge all the immigrant mothers out there, that made a difference in the lives of their daughters: teaching them the importance of heritage, self-identity, self-love, resilience, and perseverance to break the glass door to achieve their dreams.